Another Walmart shopper has documented what it’s like to receive an item delivered to them via drone, a service that has been enthralling TikTok, probably due to the fact that it isn’t widely available.

A TikToker named Brii (@thebriihive) narrates the process of ordering an item via drone delivery while standing outside of her home, her camera lens pointed directly up in the air. In the distance, a small, hovering drone can be seen coming into view, getting larger and larger as it nears it’s drop point.

The TikToker says that, while this delivery method is peak human lassitude as work, the efficiency in which the item was delivered is remarkably convenient and ultimately saves her on a valuable commodity: Time.

“Super quick, this is honestly just the epitome of laziness,” she says.

“But if you think about it if I drove to Walmart [and] had to drive back that’s 20 minutes, and then the time in the store, so it does save a little bit of time but, you’re not going to get a full grocery delivery with this, it’s just for a couple of items..."

She cheekily added in a caption for the video that “Santa’s sleigh looks different this year,” perhaps as a head nod to the wonderment one would probably feel in receiving an item they requested in a matter of minutes via a flying robot.