In the past few years, several stores have increased their security measures in order to prevent shoplifting. 

Certain products are locked up that they feel shouldn’t be, and customers have recounted their negative experiences trying to shop in stores that have heightened security.

Many of these negative experiences stem from having to wait for an employee to unlock an item. One such user is TikTok creator @junior_cuh. The TikToker reveals his method for removing items with security locks from the rack without the assistance of an employee.

“If these things are here, and you also need a worker, well you don’t need a worker,” he says, pointing out the red security locks on each rack. “All you have to do is pick up this thing in the back…and take it out. You just take out the whole thing.”

The TikToker then proceeds to remove the whole rack from the shelf. Slowly, he is able to work an item off of the rack from the back, circumventing the need for the lock to be removed. At the end of the video, he places the rack back on the wall.

In the comments section, other users said that they’ve come up with alternative methods for removing items from these racks without employee assistance. “I just rip it off,” said a commenter. “the plastic is so cheap it comes right off.”