In a now-viral TikTok video, a McDonald's  customer approaches a woman working at a McDonald’s about the unmixed state of his McFlurry. He asks skeptically, noting the state of his dessert, “The mixer doesn’t work?” She responds, “Ehhh, it’s not working.”

The video then cuts to him boldly going behind the counter, holding the dessert under the McFlurry machine, and then pushing the button to activate what is clearly a working machine.

Over the next 12 seconds, the video shows the machine blending the McFlurry, resulting in a perfectly mixed dessert.

According to commenters who weighed in on the video, there just might be a bit of an “epidemic” involving broken ice cream machines at the fast food franchise — or it might just be a dip in enthusiasm among some McDonald’s workers “They just didn’t want to have to clean it again.” a commenter theorized.