U.S. News listed Costco as one of 12 stores with one of the best return policies in the business, as well. They quoted retail consultant Nick Gausling: “Costco has the most generous policy among big-box retailers, even allowing returns years later."

TikTok user, Areli (@purrfectreads) wanted to see if the return legends were true and brought back a mattress they purchased from the store a whopping 5 years prior.

Areli films the sleeping apparatus strapped to the roof of silver Volkswagen Tiguan crossover SUV.

The clip then cuts to the mattress on a flatbed cart inside the Costco location.

She follows a man who is pushing the old mattress through the store and in the very next frame, it looked like the excursion into the store was successful. “I can’t believe they accepted the return,” she added.

Users in the comments section seemed conflicted over the move. One person thought that it was a ridiculous amount of time to use a product and then return it: “Within few weeks testing yes but 5 yrs ?