Tired of paying $8 for a cup of coffee? 7-Eleven customer and TikToker @unashamedash says they have a hack for you. “Let me show you my secret,” the customer promises in their viral TikTok video.

In the video, @unashamedash walks into 7-Eleven and films the machine that allows customers to create their favorite coffee beverage. “Enter in: Your new Starbucks,” the creator says.

“For $1.49, you can do an americano, cappuccino, latte, double espresso, mocha. Watch. This is amazing,” the TikToker continues before grabbing a large cup and selecting a hot latte on the touchscreen. The machine also grants customers the ability to add more espresso shots and flavors.

The TikToker chooses not to add more espresso to their drink, saying, “No anxiety today.” @unashamedash also settles on the hazelnut flavor add-in. “Look at the beauty. Look at her,” @unashamedash says before taking a sip. “Perfect.”

The customer also shows off the cold brew machine before adding mini marshmallows to their drink and heading to the register to pay. Their total comes out to $1.61, a price the customers claims can’t be beat.