
YouTube Guide: “Hot Cheetos and Takis”

Kid rappers Y.N. Rich Kids drop a new track about snack foods. Plus: YouTube’s new favorite food reviewer, Daym Drops, gets Songified by the Gregory Bros.

Photo of Chase Hoffberger

Chase Hoffberger

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With over 72 hours of footage uploaded every minute, it’s physically impossible to keep track of the content on YouTube. But in YouTube Guide, the Daily Dot will curate its five favorite finds for each workday.

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1) Y.N. Rich Kids, “Hot Cheetos & Takis”

Remember “Swag?” How about “Snack?” “Hot Cheetos & Takis” is the new jam, and it arrives from the Minneapolis-based Y.N. Rich Kids crew, known for their decidedly positive raps. If this video doesn’t have you running to the corner store, I don’t know what will.


2) The Gregory Brothers, “5 Guys Review Cover”

Daymon Patterson’s “5 Guys Burgers and Fries Review” is the hottest thing on YouTube, so naturally the Gregory Brothers had to give it the Songify treatment. “Oh my goodness! I wish you could smell what I’m smelling!”

3) Rejected Pitches, “Look Who’s Talking”


The Above Average Network has an idea to make the classic Look Who’s Talking even better: flip the first scene so that it’s not taking place in a vagina. Then get the baby to stop talking—since,  you know, babies don’t speak in full sentences.

4) The Woodcreek Faction, “OMG The Heat”

What’s the best way to fight back the dog days of summer? Well, you could try to douse yourself in water. Or you could walk really slowly so as to avoid overexertion. Or you could… Ah, forget it. It’s the middle of August—simply too damn hot out there.


5) Rack Focus Films, “Prophetic 1995 Student Internet PSA”

17 years ago, the Young Montana Media Group rounded up a handful of school children to explain what they thought the Internet would be able to do by the time they get to college. The outcome is strangely accurate and alarmingly retro. Nice haircut, sixth kid. It’s 2012, take the bowl off your head.


Photo via YouTube