BuzzFeed is one of the better purveyors of viral content on the Internet. For better or worse, the site’s editorial staff has turned the listicle into a science, making the popular format into an easy-to-follow formula that often results in page view success. One of the most important components of said formula is instant nostalgia, referencing items from recent popular culture and reminiscing about the good ol’ days.
That’s the idea behind @BuzzFeedLite, a parody Twitter account that pokes fun at the popular site and its penchant for prematurely looking back at the past as if its readers were on the verge of becoming eligible to receive Social Security benefits.
The beauty behind @BuzzFeedLite, with its very appropriate tagline of “Remember the 90s?,” is that it tweets one or two word statements, usually just the name of a popular television show or a celebrity that was popular during the decade. Why is this funny? Because if you sift through BuzzFeed’s actual content, the tweets look like story pitches.
Like cheese for a fine wine, we’ve paired up various @BuzzFeedLite tweets with actual BuzzFeed stories to enhance their comedic value.
Family Matters

Darkwing Duck

Justin Timberlake

Dan Jansen

Pete and Pete


Photo via Laura Appleyard/Flickr