A popular Twitch streamer was baited into broadcasting pornographic material. Now she’s banned from the platform.
Alinity Divine got handed a three-day ban after visiting another channel that was streaming porn during her own broadcast on Wednesday.
“Someone hosted me for 1700 viewers, I went to check out the stream to shout them out.. SURPRISE PORN!” Divine wrote on Twitter.
One of Divine’s viewers told Divine that another streamer was hosting her.
“Okay, well, they’re hosting me so,” she said out of curiosity before clicking on their stream.
“OH MY GOD!” Divine said upon seeing the NSFW material. “Dude, that’s not my fucking fault … No, that is not my fault. Hell no. Guys, no, that is… That is so unfair.”
Divine called out Twitch for the incident.
“Hey streamers, trust twitch moderation staff to monitor things and ensure porn doesn’t get up to thousands of viewers? Think again!” she wrote.
Divine also mentioned a fellow streamer, who was suspended recently for a similar incident.
“Someone else breaking the ToS? Sorry streamer, you take the hit for this one too, Twitch don’t got your back yo,” she wrote.
Kamel Kabir, aka Kamet0, was banned after one of his subscriber’s NSFW selfies wound up on his screen during his live broadcast on Wednesday.
“Nudity and sexually explicit content or activities, such as pornography, sexual acts or intercourse, and sexual services, are prohibited,” Twitch’s community guidelines read.
Divine wrote that she will be more careful and guarded in the future after her ban is lifted.
I'll definitely be more careful. Thing is, twitch is this awesome platform where streams can host, raid, interact with one another and share communities, but we all just have to be even more guarded.
— Alinity (@Alinity) May 25, 2019
Other streams/users breaking TOS puts anyone at risk. Ima be a hermit now
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H/T Dexerto