
Fan asks Tom Hanks for headshots, and his response is perfect

Mission accomplished.

Photo of Dahlia Dandashi

Dahlia Dandashi

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Everybody loves Tom Hanks, and just when we didn’t think we could love him more, now we do. 

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Toronto’s Zena Gopal made a bet with some friends to see who could receive a celeb headshot first. In just three weeks, Hanks played along and replied with a selfie of himself, flooring Gopal and helping her win.

Alongside the Polaroid featuring Hanks’ stoic, looking-into-the-future face, the Forrest Gump actor sent back a typewritten note. “HANX” is etched at the top of the paper, followed by the line,”Hey, Zena, Does this count as a headshot?” He closes with stating that he’s typing the note as the Polaroid is developing, finding himself “scary.” The Imgur post featuring Hanks has been viewed 1,034,719 times. 


The Forrest Gump icon/dad figure is famed for giving back to fans on multiple occasions, helping a little girl sell Girl Scout cookies, returning a lost university student ID via Twitter, and photobombing a lucky couple’s wedding. Now he’s ending the year on another giving spree.

Though technically, it wasn’t two headshots. But if a legendary actor even sends you one, who the hell is counting? 

H/T Hello Giggles

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