You might have never wondered how to make a pumpkin keg, but thanks to YouTube, that information will be trapped in your brain forever.
This four-minute video will guide you to the pumpkin-flavored beer promiseland. And if you’re one those people who thinks carving pumpkins is fun, it shouldn’t even be difficult. If you can suspend your understanding of what a “keg” is, then you’ll love this.
Similar to carving a pumpkin with the face of say, Steve Jobs, the first step is cut the pumpkin’s top off and take out its innards. Then, it gets tricky. You’ll need to find a place to implant the spigot, so locate a sturdy part of the pumpkin and trace a hole.
“You want to go in through the pumpkin and carve around that hole,” the host deftly advises. “Try to follow this as best as possible so that you won’t wind up with a too small hole or too big one.”
Noted! After that, you dump all the beer you have on premises in the pumpkin and watch your friends attain (hopefully?) a slight buzz. The cute host poured a few bottles of Sam Adams’ Octoberfest into it because “nothing screams fall to me like Sam Adams Octoberfest.” Not Bud Light Lime? Weird.
However, a crafty YouTube commenter noted this is really not the best way to serve beer. A keg protects the beer from going to stale and keeps it chilled longer, they explained. Meanwhile, the pumpkin’s soft walls will absorb much of the beer.
“So as long as you can down six beers in an hour, it’s form over function,” commented 83OneNutCode.
‘Tis the season for haters—and drinkers.
Photo via Celebrations Party Ideas/YouTube