
Problem? Turkish soccer fans protest rule change with troll face

The video of this meme-inspired protested has been viewed 1.2 million times. 

Photo of Fruzsina Eördögh

Fruzsina Eördögh

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Is anything purely an Internet thing any more?

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The troll face, an image originally used by redditors and 4chan forum users, is no longer an Internet meme confined to the Web. Or even to English-speaking countries.

Turkish soccer fans, upset over a recent ban on torch lights during games, responded with a little mischief in the form of a Web meme at a recent game: a giant banner emblazoned with a troll face and the word “Problem?” written in English.

The pranksters also cut holes in the banner, which were then filled with lit flares. Yahoo likened their attempts to a “flaming Swiss cheese.”


The banner did not catch on fire in actuality, and no one was injured.

“[That] was probably exactly their point… ‘See we even burn flares with a sheet draped over us. Problem?,’” wrote NoLogo in a related forum.  (A Turkish blog post made by the protesters and poorly translated by Google also addressed this concern.)

Uploaded on March 12, the video of the mini-Turkish rebellion has been viewed 1.2 million times to date and turned into a series of popular GIFs.


Alternative angles of the troll-face incident include one video shot from underneath the banner. Additional videos of the banner clearly display some of the law-breakers faces, prompting YouTubers to express concern that law enforcement could use the videos to identify the individuals.

But most just shared in the excitement.

“[T]his is the most epic thing i’ve ever seen!!!!!,” wrote YouTuber kilefile.