“This is my first VidCon and I feel very old, and I’m going to go home and dye my hair blue,” joked Yahoo anchor Katie Couric in an interview with BuzzFeed’s Ze Frank on the first day of VidCon. “Did you notice that everyone here has blue hair?”
She wasn’t far off. The hottest hair accessory at VidCon 2015 was a dye job, and most likely one in a pastel hue. It’s a trend that links back to the site’s most popular creators (Tyler Oakley, patron saint of a dye job, had relatively demure blond tresses this year) but has been taken to the next level by fans. We rounded up some examples of the best pastel-haired (and brightly hued) attendees from VidCon 2015.

Photo via Maria Morri/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)