
‘Orange Is the New Black’s Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli got married

Cute stuff.

Photo of Christine Friar

Christine Friar

Orange is the new black wedding: Samira Wiley

After announcing their engagement back in October, Orange Is the New Black star Samira Wiley and writer Lauren Morelli got married over the weekend.

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For a cast and crew that are famously close both on and off-set, the nuptials seem like a natural progression. It’s a tale as old as time: actor and writer fall in love, actor and writer wear iconic gown and jumpsuit combo, actor and writer exchange vows in the Palm Springs desert.



The couple met on the set of the Netflix series and began dating shortly thereafter, dissolving Morelli’s two-year marriage in 2014.

According to Martha Stewart Weddings the ceremony was officiated by Wiley’s parents, and after the vows, the newlyweds walked back down the aisle to Montell Jordan’s “This Is How We Do It.” The reception was confetti-themed as a nod to the couple’s love of Funfetti cake, and they entered the party while Justin Bieber’s “Baby” played.

Cute stuff.

H/T Jezebel
