
Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ becomes a pop-punk classic with major chords

This is basically a Weezer song.

Photo of Bryan Rolli

Bryan Rolli

Nirvana smiley face patch

Twenty-six years ago, Nirvana revolutionized the rock landscape with Nevermind, a searing, angst-ridden collection of pop songs nestled inside a ragged punk shell. No song epitomizes this dichotomy better than the smash hit “Smells Like Teen Spirit”—and now, it’s getting the pop-punk facelift that nobody knew they wanted.

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Vimeo user Sleep Good uploaded the newly imagined track yesterday under the title “Nirvirna – Teen Sprite,” and the description box reads, “a pop punk band from La Jolla, CA.” By simply changing all the minor chords to major chords, apparently via Auto-Tune, Sleep Good transformed the foundational grunge anthem into a summery pop-rock song that would sound right at home on Weezer’s debut album.

Knowing Dave Grohl, rock n’ roll’s eternal good sport, expect the Foo Fighters to break out “Teen Sprite” on their upcoming tour.


H/T Brandon Morse

The Daily Dot