
The Morning GIF: Water wall

Check out this Maker Faire creation before summer is too far gone.

Photo of Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy

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Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

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When the curtain falls on the end of summer, it is often a curtain of rain. That’s it: no more lazy afternoons playing hacky sack in the park, no more walking barefoot, no more sand castles, no more endless hours on the swing set.

And that’s just the hipsters.

There is, however, no dilemma of modern life that cannot be attacked and somehow creatively mastered by geeks. This swing set debuted at that most twee of all manufacturing events, Maker Faire. It encompasses both the rapturous, innocent delight of summer and the wistful, enervated sadness of the coming of fall.


Created in 2011 by Mike O’Toole, Andrew Ratcliff, Ian Charnas, and Andrew Witte for Dash 7 Design, the Waterfall Swing Set is a brilliant example of an artistic creation a child can enjoy, and an adult truly appreciate.

The web site explains, “mechanical solenoids … create a water plane falling in the path of its riders. … Riders pass through openings in a waterfall created by precisely monitoring their path via axel-housed encoders, creating the thrill of narrowly escaping obstacles.”

The original YouTube has had 284,000 views, and the GIF, posted to the Cineraria Tumblr, has had 296,454 notes so far, so almost a third of a million people. There are still a few weeks left for you to test it out before it becomes impossible to deny autumn’s arrival.

The Daily Dot