
The Morning GIF: Texas tornado

An eerie look at one of the tornados that ripped through northern Texas on Tuesday. 

Photo of Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy

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Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

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Northern Texas is not where most people want to be in tornado season, as a quick glance at the “tornado” tag on Tumblr would indicate. Go on, we’ll wait while you look.

Bet you didn’t think semi trucks could fly!

With a reported four simultaneous tornado touchdowns in Dallas on April 3, tennis ball-sized hail, and up to 13 tornados reported throughout the Arlington-Dallas region, the normal rules of gravity were temporarily suspended.


Texans, understandably, have better things to do the day after a tornado than sit around making GIFs. But we did find one authentic GIF over at BuzzFeed on Tumblr. So far it has 527 notes.

The Daily Dot