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Kids have very mixed reactions about One Direction’s ‘Drag Me Down’ video

They definitely think the band is breaking up.


Rae Votta


Often, the Fine Brothers make the youngsters on their Kids React series address “ancient” technology or pop culture, but this time around they’re reacting to something a little more up their alley: One Direction.

The reactions fall along pretty stereotypical gender lines, with the majority of girls freaking out that they get to watch One Direction’s NASA-themed video, and the boys shrugging or being outwardly upset they have to watch. One boy astutely remarks that of course nobody can drag 1D down, since they’re in space.

“There’s no gravity in space,” said 11-year-old Cayden.

One boy, when he found out that he’d been watching and enjoying One Direction, exclaimed, “That band’s for girls! I liked that song!?”

“Drag Me Down” is the first One Direction video post-Zayn, which several viewers point out. One disheartened girl explained why she’s an ex-1D fan.

“They’re really talented, they just made the wrong decisions in life,” said 7-year-old Sydney.

When asked if any of the kids knew about boy bands like *NSYNC, most of the kids said they’d never heard of them, but one makes all adults feel super old, immediately.

“My mom loves them,” sighed 12-year-old Jayka. “She’s so annoying with them.”

Screengrab via Fine Brothers Entertainment/YouTube

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