Internet Culture

Justin Bieber slid into the DMs of someone who hated his new album

Her boyfriend had the best response.

Photo of Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley

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Justin Bieber dropped his first new album in five years, Changes, on Valentine’s Day, and Beliebers were beyond ready for this long-overdue addition to the “Never Say Never” singer’s catalog.

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But one fan turned out not to be the biggest believer in Changes, and Bieber himself seems to have taken issue with that.

Lest anyone call her a hater, Maria Ciuffo had been tweeting her anticipation for Bieber’s new album the day before it came out.

“I can’t believe we get a new Justin Bieber album at midnight,” she wrote.


But disappointment was to follow, as early the next morning she shared that she “wanted to love” it, but ultimately “had to put on the Fine Line Harry Styles album to get the bad taste of Justin Bieber’s Changes out of my mouth.”


Ciuffo hosts a podcast called “Chicks in the Office” alongside Francesca Mariano. And apparently, while they were recording an episode on Friday about the album, Biebs took note of her not-so-positive reaction on Twitter and sent her a message.

A preview released by the podcast’s Twitter shows Ciuffo halting the conversation, shocked, before announcing: “Justin Bieber just DMed me.” 

“Does he hate that you hate the album?” asks Mariano. “I would never have tweeted about this. I was petrified to tweet about this album.”

“He wrote, ‘Too bad,’” Ciuffo confirms.


But the podcast host decided to go all in and shared a screenshot not only of Bieber’s alleged DM but also of her incredibly appropriate response.

“Is it too late now to say sorry?” she wrote, riffing on one of his most popular songs.


But it may just be Ciuffo’s boyfriend, Henry Lockwood, who had the best response to the DM.

“Biebs DMing ur GF on Valentine’s Day <<<<<< ” Lockwood tweeted.

As BuzzFeed points out, it’s totally possible this whole exchange was faked, but as Ciuffo continues to joke about the very Bieber-esque response, it seems somewhat unlikely.


It sounds like we’ll have to wait until Monday for the “full story,” if there are any updates. But if Bieber’s truly spending this much time sliding into DMs of people who don’t connect with his music… fans can probably expect not to hear the follow up to Changes until 2025.



H/T BuzzFeed

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