Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day’s must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.
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- Wikileaks has a new funding source. French nonprofit the Fund for the Defense of Net Neutrality will be taking donations on the leak org’s behalf through the French credit card system Carte Bleue.
- It’s the most important website launch of the decade: Yahoo, by Marissa Mayer!
- Speaking of Marissa Mayer, Flickr has responded to users’ pleas for the new CEO to fix the site… by asking them to come to work for Flickr.
- Twitter files a new appeal in the case of an Occupy Wall Street protester whose tweets were subpoenad by the U.S. government.
- Well, this is awkward: An iPhone app that polices other apps and warns you when they’re accessing more of your data than they need to has been pulled from the App Store by Apple.
Above: Reverse Enginears take a trip through the history of PC games, with background music remixed entirely from game sounds. Mind = blown.