
Dotted Lines: “Every Major’s Terrible”

Ben Miller performs xkcd’s college-advicey Gilbert and Sullivan tribute, “Every Major’s Terrible.”

Photo of Jay Hathaway

Jay Hathaway

Article Lead Image

Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day’s must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.

Featured Video

  • Facebook is now the second most popular destination on the Web for streaming video.
  • How a 1973 Playboy pic of Lena Soderbergh, aka “Lenna,” became one of the most-used photos on the early Internet.
  • A 1988 law that keeps video rental records private also applies to your viewing habits on streaming video services, as Hulu found out the hard way in a privacy lawsuit.
  • A new Twitter app called Uncertain Rainbow removes profile names and pictures from Twitter, replacing them with “colors, words, and uncertainty” instead.
  • New meme alert: Office Thoughts. It’s all about working hard (or hardly working).
  • An app that strips Instagram photos of their faux-vintage filters turns out to work on actual old photos, too.

Above: Ben Miller—of YouTube’s Miller Brothers—performs “Every Major’s Terrible,” set to a tune by Gilbert and Sullivan. Lyrics by Randall Munroe of webcomic xkcd.
