
Daniel Radcliffe reacts to Harry Potter memes

The meme life cycle comes full circle.

Photo of Nahila Bonfiglio

Nahila Bonfiglio

Danielle Racliffe on Jimmy Fallon

A recent video of Daniel Radcliffe reacting to Harry Potter memes is a top-trending YouTube clip.

The 29-year-old actor said he has seen very few memes from the massively popular franchise, and watching Jimmy Fallon giggle behind cardboard-mounted memes while he watches Radcliffe’s reactions is so pure. It’s also a full circle: Radcliffe is interacting with the content that’s fueled the internet for more than 10 years. It’s another viral, nostalgic coup from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

The best of the reactions are either to a meme reading “If you’re havin Quidditch problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a snitch ain’t one,” and the viral video titled “Hermione dancing.”

Radcliffe and Fallon also discussed Radcliff’s newest theatrical pursuit, The Lifespan of a Factwhich is on Broadway from mid-October and into January 2019.


The Daily Dot