
Assassin’s Creed for Kinect—the greatest video game that never was

Given the genuine excitement over this fake promo video, don’t be surprised if someone tries to make this Assassin’s Creed for Kinect a reality. 

Photo of Fruzsina Eördögh

Fruzsina Eördögh

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April Fools’ Day has come and gone, but one particular prank has left many video gamers wanting more.

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Assassin’s Creed for Kinect Announced!” looks, feels, and sounds like any other major video announcement video. Except this tongue-in-cheek video announcement was too good to be true.

Uploaded onto the YouTube account HawkandGamble on March 31, the fan-made announcement pokes fun at the video-game industry’s obsession with motion control technology like Nintendo’s Kinect, while also revelling in the glory that is the Assassin’s Creed video-game franchise.

The protagonists of Assassin’s Creed franchise are all incredibly acrobatic and physically fit, so asking the video game player to act out the moves of the character in real life, is, well, absurd.


When players in the fake announcement do so, they injure themselves, as well as break nearby furniture, while their friends watch with mouths agape.

“I wish this was legit,” commented caige084, a cry that echoed through the YouTube community.

“Just give it a few years, technology will come this far,” added MrbertjeS.

“So now we just have to be talented gymnasts to play this game…” concluded Fakenit66 in a top comment.


At press time, “Assassin’s Creed for Kinect Announced” had more than one million views and more than 3000 comments.