Last year, we reported on Jasen Dixon of Sycamore Township, Ohio, who fought a heroic battle for his right to display a zombie Christmas nativity scene in contravention of local zoning laws. Now, much like Jesus (or zombies, for that matter), the infamous tableau has risen again.
This time around, Dixon—not so coincidentally the proprietor of a haunted house called “13 Rooms of Doom”—is doing everything he can to go viral. “Zombie nativity scene” now boasts a Facebook presence and a crowdfunding campaign intended to raise money for a 2016 display, as well as an unspecified nonprofit organization.
Neither Christians nor Sycamore’s zoning administrator are fans of the joke; the former have handed out letters condemning Dixon’s work, while the latter has said that because Dixon was denied the display permit he applied for, he may be fined $500 for each day the scene remains up.
Oh, and if giving the New Testament the Romero treatment doesn’t offend you, perhaps this unfortunate Black Lives Matter parody T-shirt will.
On Dec. 4, Dixon announced that the city had won, but just a day later, he said that he had plugged the lights back in and would “see what happens.”
Will Dixon raise the money he needs to preserve what a secondary Facebook page calls “The Worlds 1St Zombie Nativity Scene Art Museum”? Who knows. But zombie stories do often lend themselves to sequels.
H/T FOX19 | Photo via Zombie nativity scene/Facebook