
YouTube Guide: Candy Crush Saga is evil

Candy Crush Saga might be a low-commitment game, but it’s secretly evil and addictive.

Photo of Michelle Jaworski

Michelle Jaworski

With more than 72 hours of footage uploaded every minute, it’s physically impossible to keep track of the content on YouTube. In YouTube Guide, the Daily Dot will curate its five favorite finds for each workday.

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1) Glove and Boots, “CANDY CRUSH SAGA IS EVIL”

Candy Crush Saga might be a low-commitment game, but it’s secretly evil and addictive. The puppets look at the downward spiral of addiction as it forces you to get other friends involved and wants your money. It apparently can even lead to other addictions. Like smack.


2) supercutonline, “Countdown – The Supercut”

There’s always someone in movies counting towards something, whether it’s Legolas’s kill count, Phil Connors watching the next event play out on yet another Groundhog Day, or King Roland’s airshield lock combination. Supercutonline rounds them all up, with the noticeable absence of the Count.

3) The Gregory Brothers, “The War On Drugs Is a Failure”


A bipartisan panel of politicians came to the conclusion that the war on drugs was essentially one giant failure on 4/20. The politicians spew out historical references and facts, which are made ready for listening with the help of Auto-Tune.

4) Derick Watts & The Sunday Blues, “How Humans Eat Their Food”

When humans demonstrate how animals eat their food we laugh, but now animals are turning the tables on us. The hippopotamus pulls out a number of stereotypical (and sometimes racist) portrayals, but his American is okay.


5) Household Hacker, “Quick and Simple Life Hacks 8”

Household Hacker has provided even more tips and tricks to make the little troubles in life just a little easier from opening a glass jar to recovering a tab in Firefox or Google Chrome. Actually, that one’s dead useful.


Photo via gloveandboots/YouTube