
Chuck Tingle writes ‘Yanny or Laurel’ erotic short story

It’s just as weird as you’d expect.

Photo of Bryan Rolli

Bryan Rolli

Laurel or Yanny - Chuck Tingle

Yanny or Laurel?

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The viral audio clip tore the internet asunder this week as listeners fiercely debated which of the two completely different-sounding names they heard. We now know that whether people hear “Yanny” or “Laurel” depends on the frequency at which they listen to the clip. What we didn’t know is that “Yanny vs. Laurel” also makes for some steamy erotic literature.

But Dr. Chuck Tingle knew. Tingle always knows.

For the uninitiated: Tingle is a topical erotic fiction author who self-publishes his work on Amazon. The self-proclaimed taekwondo grandmaster and DeVry University Ph.D. graduate purportedly hails from the Midwest, even though his author photo is a now-defunct stock image from a Miami-based photography firm. He writes at an impossibly fast clip and has churned out more than 100 short stories since December 2014.


Most of these stories involve being “pounded in the butt” by a relevant viral news item, such as Pounded in the Butt by My Leaked Mashly Addison Data. Others incorporate prehistoric and mythical creatures, such as Bigfoot Sommelier Butt Tasting and Gay T-Rex Law Firm: Executive Boner. Tingle’s latest work, Seduced By The Handsome Physically Manifested Sound That Some People Hear As Yanny And Others Hear As Laurel, obviously skews viral and extremely meta.

The story opens in a PR firm on Sunset Boulevard, where a plucky employee named Rippy hopes to make a good impression with a prospective new client, “The sound that some people hear as Yanny and others hear as Laurel.” The potential client manifests himself (because audio clips have genders now) as a “large blue sound wave with muscular, toned abs and a boyish, playful smile.”

Rippy presents “the sound that some people hear as Yanny and others hear as Laurel” with several options for expanding his audience. He initially suggests pairing the sound wave with popular musicians and trendsetters before also posing the possibility of a Chuck Tingle collaboration. Rippy is banking on an erotic short story involving “the sound that some people hear as Yanny and others hear as Laurel” being a huge hit—and Tingle has already begun writing the story.

As you can see, there are several layers to Tingle’s latest meta-erotic story, which you can download for $2.99 on Amazon. Make sure to do it quickly—because the next butt-pounding Tingle story is likely right around the corner.
