
People have a strange new obsession with this Worm On A String toy

Our new lord and savior?

Photo of Brittany Vincent

Brittany Vincent

worm on a string toy

You’ve probably seen a series of weird, colorful toys while perusing the Dollar Store, or even in an overpriced rack of kitschy items at your local home goods store. They’re neon, fuzzy “worms” that look like those brightly-hued dusters you can pick up at the supermarket to clean your house with.

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The toy is called a Worm On A String, and despite the fact that the toy has been around for years, with nothing particularly unique or exciting about it, people cannot stop talking about it.


The Worm On A String has popped up in Reddit meme communities over the last couple of years, but recently it’s infiltrated Twitter. And it looks like people can’t get enough of it.




What do they do, anyway? Not a whole lot. They’re exceedingly simple. They move like worms and sport brightly-colored fur-covered exteriors, as well as a big ol’ pair of googly eyes. They have a string inside meant to help give them their wormlike movements, and they seem to move on their own. It’s all a fun trick, of course. They’re fun for messing about with for a few minutes. Or giving to a kid to play around with.

Maybe you even played with one before during class when you were a kid.


There are not for falling in love with, though.


Or…doing this with.


The funny part is, this thing isn’t even technically called a “Worm On A String.” There’s a name for the “official” version of the toy: “Squirmels,” at least when you can find them packaged that way. They’re also apparently referred to as “Magic Twisty Worms.” That’s a little catchier than “Worm On A String,” though it also lacks the musical cadence that allows you to sing the name as if you were singing along to The Lonely Island’s “D**k In A Box.” Try it out, it totally works.

It can also be called a “Tricky Worm,” apparently.


What is even going on here,  you guys? What is so exciting about this Worm On A String?


The mystery as yet remains unsolved, but now we have the sudden urge to run out and purchase one of these colorful creatures. But mostly, we’re curious…do they actually work as advertised?


The jury’s still out on that one.