Tinder is meant to be a mechanism by which to arrange dates and hookups, but it doesn’t have to be. For one brilliant woman, it’s a way to make some extra cash by doing absolutely nothing. Guys are initiating chats with her, then sending her cash, and she never has to meet them. Hell, she doesn’t have to do any work beyond giving them her PayPal email. How does she do it?
Tinder entrepreneur Maggie Archer, 20, simply added the line “Send me $5, see what happens,” to her profile. And dudes are lining up to see what happens:
Sometimes her matches ask what the $5 will get them, but she just tells them to send it and find out. And when they do? Well, Archer is $5 richer, then unmatches the sucker and never speaks to him again.
She’s not technically lying or offering anything in exchange for the money, so “it’s a foolproof plan,” she told BuzzFeed.
There’s a strong internet movement called #GYMTW—”give your money to women”—that has to do with restorative justice and the gender pay gap, but also with financial domination, a fetish where “paypigs” get off on giving to “goddesses” until it hurts. In that context, it’s no surprise that Archer’s experiment, kind of a light version of the GYMTW movement, has found loads on fans of Twitter.
i n s p i r a t i o n a l
— Eden (@Eden_VB) March 25, 2017
Now she’s just know as “the Tinder girl,” and her clever scheme has drawn comparisons to Twitter’s most famous bamboozler, Joanne the Scammer, the original “messy bitch who lives for drama.”
Not everyone is happy about her game, though.
“Some people are definitely upset about what I’m doing,” Archer told BuzzFeed. “Mostly men.”
Commenters have accused her of “outright stealing,” and one person has started a Twitter account dedicated to spamming Twitter with what appears to be a fake nude photos of her.
It’s very easy to avoid Archer’s scam, though: all you have to do is not log into your PayPal account, not enter her email address, not set the amount to five dollars, and not click two separate confirmation buttons to send the money. If you happened to invent some weird expectations about what she owes you for your five bucks, that’s not on her.
If the measure of a good successful trolling attempt is that it makes people irrationally angry, this one certainly qualifies. And it’s profitable, too!
It might not last long, though. Some women who’ve followed in Archer’s footsteps are already reporting that Tinder has closed their accounts.
i tried it and got reported and they deleted the account
(@jubjpeg) March 26, 2017