Internet Culture

Dude gets smoked by muscled woman on Flex Cam

Here’s yet more proof that women are better than men at just about everything.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

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When it comes to a-break-in-the-action entertainment at sporting events, Kiss Cam clearly is the most superior. But based on the video below, you’d have to put Flex Cam at a strong No. 2.

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If you needed proof, watch the footage, which occurred during a Philadelphia Soul (of the Arena Football League) game on April 12. As the Philly Soul Football YouTube channel points out, one poor dude got absolutely smoked by the woman sitting behind him.

Just like any Kiss Cam video you might see go viral, it’s hard to tell if this video was staged or if it’s the real deal. Either way, it shows that women continue to be better at men at just about everything. Even at showing off their muscles to a large group of people.


H/T Bleacher Report | Screengrab via phillysoulfootball/YouTube

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