The internet can get really dirty. The darkest corners of the web are filled with sexist trolls, haunting profile picture-less hecklers, and disgusting jokesters. Many revel in this chaos while others abhor it.
Here to clean up your feeds with some much-needed positivity and light are wholesome memes.
We’re borrowing the term “wholesome memes” from @nutellaANDpizza, whose photoset of these uplifting moments ripped through Twitter earlier this month. Twitter user @unsmokable had a similar photoset dubbed wholesome memes that also were majorly popular. Other users used the phrase before, but his tweet is the first to really pop off.
The cornerstones of these memes include support, love, positivity, compassion, and understanding. You know, the things you tend to forget exist in the world because there’s so much shit happening.
Wholesome memes are interesting because, instead of an image being what links memes, it’s instead that sense of wholesomeness that ties it all together. For example, Condescending Wonka always uses the same picture. You see the one below and expect it to be the chocolate factory owner saying something rude. Instead, he’s giving you some good vibes. But wholesome memes are not dictated by repetitive format.
i decided to throw my hat into the ring with these “wholesome memes”
—Paisley ~「The Squire’s Temptation」 (@superbeanbat64) August 5, 2016
Wholesome memes are also unique in that they’re changing well-known ones, turning them into rays of sunshine and hope. Take, for example, the blue button that typically displays “NUTT” or something else a little more naughty.
The ethos of wholesome memes has been around for a while, many of which can be found on Tumblr. There’s a long history of support and love on the social network, especially compared to other online spaces. Posts supporting friends or expressing some sort of attraction to good, clean romance typically rack up thousands of notes.
Friends, the next time you have the option of making a dirty joke or sarcastic retort online, maybe the best path is the righteous one. Meme each other with how you’d like to be memed. It’s the Golden Rule of the internet, isn’t it?