
Breaking down the 2 post-credits scenes in the ‘WandaVision’ finale

‘WandaVision’ ends with intriguing teasers for two upcoming MCU films.

Photo of Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

wandavision finale credits scene

As any good Marvel fan should know by now, you need to stick around for the end of the credits. The WandaVision finale is a notable example, because we got not one, but two post-credits scenes.

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Warning: This article contains spoilers for the WandaVision finale.

The first was an obvious teaser for Captain Marvel 2, with Monica Rambeau being contacted by a shapeshifting alien Skrull. But the second is more ambiguous, starring Wanda Maximoff herself.

We see Wanda in a secluded cabin, wearing comfy clothes and making a cup of tea. The setting looks like Scandinavia, Canada, Russia—somewhere chilly and mountainous. Maybe it’s her home country of Sokovia, which we haven’t seen in a while. At any rate, Wanda’s new house is covered with decorations or possibly witchy runes, and there’s a secret in the bedroom: a second Wanda Maximoff, wearing her new Scarlet Witch outfit.


Maybe this is a split personality kind of deal, with Wanda dividing her attention between witchcraft and personal time. But it could also be an intentional projection, making it look like Wanda is just chilling (you know, in case any SWORD satellites are spying on her) while she embraces her newfound powers in secret.

The book she’s reading is the Darkhold, introduced by Agatha Harkness as an ancient and uniquely powerful book of spells. So she’s finally getting some training like Doctor Strange, instead of relying on instinct and raw power. Specifically, it seems like she may be trying to bring back her twin sons Billy and Tommy, who had an underwhelming sendoff in the finale.

This episode teased the idea of Wanda going to the dark side, and we already know she has a key role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Could her desire to resurrect Billy and Tommy lead her to embrace a supervillain role? Or is this just a teaser for an ongoing arc, clarifying that the twins will return in some other spinoff? That would make sense because WandaVision already introduced their superpowers, and in the comics, they’re established members of the Young Avengers team. In typical Marvel fashion, the WandaVision finale and post-credits scenes have given fans much to think about for the future.


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