A recent TikTok video showing a chaotic fight between an employee and a customer at Waffle House has gone viral. While viewers enjoyed the drama, they are not at all surprised by the antics.
The TikTok, posted Saturday by @brookewiser1, has 7.8 million views and 1.5 million likes. Many are comparing it to the classic “Can I Please Get a Waffle” Vine that now lives on YouTube and has over a million views.
The popular Vine shows two Waffle House employees physically fighting, one even getting their head bashed into a counter, while a customer calmly and innocently sits by and asks: “Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?” while the fight plays out in front of them.
In the more recent video filmed at the diner, a TikToker and a friend, as well as another customer, are eating food and observing a fight between an employee and a person in civilian clothes, who may or may not be a patron.
The non-employee steps up so that they are high above the counter and throws what appears to be a metal napkin dispenser at the worker. Loud crashing and banging can be heard throughout the video, as well as many expletives and threats of calling the police.
Another Waffle House employee can briefly be seen using the phone to call someone.
All the while, the diners continue to eat their food and watch the “entertainment.”
Viewers are commenting on how at Waffle House, one can always expect a “dinner and a show.”
“Hash browns taste better when you get to watch a fight anyway,” wrote @scruffystraw.
Many were also quick to point out the lack of action by the TikToker and other diners.
“You are the poster child of ‘minding your own business,’” said @rachaelmichaelis.
“The COURAGE you have eating your food & watching the show … I would have cried and ran away” commented @danyyydiamond.
The Daily Dot reached out to @brookewiser1 for comment.