
Heed this meme before sending your old flame a holiday text

‘I know you don’t fwm at the moment, but Merry Christmas…I just wanted to see if you were good.’

Photo of Anna María

Anna María

toxic future ex christmas thanksgiving text memes

We’re officially knee-deep in the holidays, which means ’tis the season for everyone to get in their feelings about relationships. Something about cold weather, seasonal depression, and the spirit of togetherness really makes some feel lonely. Specifically, it brings thoughts of ex-lovers to the forefront of people’s minds.

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Cue all the poor souls sending their exes ill-advised holiday texts.

Apparently, these toxic holiday texts are so common that scores of Twitter users made them into memes. It all started around Thanksgiving of 2019, when people started mocking “I miss you” texts from ex-boyfriends. The meme texts ranged from assertive to sappy, and they all featured an image of the rapper Future, who had an infamously messy relationship with fellow musical artist Ciara.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” one Twitter user wrote. “I just wanna let you know I’m thankful for you & all the times we had. Tell your mom too. Miss you.”


Others joined in, crafting fake Thanksgiving texts with varying degrees of detail.



Then, on Christmas day, Twitter users brought back the format—Future and all. Holiday text memes flourished in earnest as people made fun of ex-boyfriends who play the family card in an attempt to reconnect. Cousins, moms, sons—it’s no secret that toxic exes will use anyone as a tool to tug some heartstrings.



Other holiday texts poked fun at exes’ more melodramatic, self-deprecating Christmas messages. One person even referenced North Korea threatening the U.S. with a “Christmas gift,” combining two memes into one.

“Merry Christmas, I know we haven’t spoken in a while,” the Twitter user wrote. “I just want you know that if North Korea gives us that Christmas gift and wipes out 38% of the US population. I miss you.”


Similar tweets showcased the angst of this classic guilt-tripping technique.


Eventually, the meme evolved as people began tweeting ‘ex-girlfriend’ versions of the toxic holiday texts. Twitter users replaced pictures of Future with those of his rumored girlfriend, Lori Harvey. These ex-girlfriend counterparts featured the best aspects of the memes that came before them.


Whether you’ve been on the sending or the receiving end of holiday texts like these, one thing is certain: Be careful about the way you handle your exes. You just might end up being ridiculed by all of Twitter at once.

