Internet Culture

Dude makes actual working record out of a tortilla

Perfect for jams and burritos.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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Wrap your mind around this: a tortilla that doubles as an actual record. Well, thanks to laser cutter technology, the future is now.

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Rapture Records uploaded a YouTube video showing us the musical masterpiece. It’s an uncooked flour tortilla (don’t know how a corn one would pan out, so let’s save those for tacos) cut with a 40W Epilog Laser Cutter. The instructions in their entirety can be found here, but as they point out, “make sure that the owner of the laser cutter is okay with cutting tortillas.” That’ll be an awkward conversation to have if you ruin the machine with the starchy treat. 

They chose to go with “Jarabe Tapatío” which is more commonly known by English speakers as “The Mexican Hat Dance.”  And it looks like the minds behind the tortilla record set out to debunk a viral video where a tortilla was being “played” (played in the most liberal terms) and prove that music and Mexican food can truly merge.


Somebody get that dancing kid at the pool in here, stat. We need him to jam to this. 

H/T Reddit | Photo via Rapture Records/YouTube

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