
Ted Cruz tries to take down Mark Hamill on Twitter, fails spectacularly

Hamill landed a knockout punch.

Photo of Chris Tognotti

Chris Tognotti

mark hamill ted cruz net neutrality

Ted Cruz just squared off with a Jedi master, and ultimately, he came up painfully short. Perhaps trying to cash in on all the excitement and enthusiasm for the release of the latest Star Wars film, The Last Jedi, the Texas GOP senator and notoriously bad impressionist tweeted at Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill, chastising him for criticizing FCC chairman Ajit Pai’s recent vote striking down net neutrality.

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But Cruz flubbed the spelling of Hamill’s name in the process and drew some fire of his own from the 66-year-old actor.


Cruz accidentally directed his tweet to a seemingly defunct Twitter account, using the same handle as Hamill’s actual account but with two m’s in his last name. This opened up Hamill for a stinging reply, and he didn’t pass up the opportunity.


Hamill’s response included a jab at the senator’s alleged porn-watching habits, a clear reference to the internet-exploding moment earlier this year when his official Twitter account liked a pornographic video. Cruz denied being the one who clicked “like,” insisting it was “inadvertent” and a “staffing issue.” In any case, let this be a lesson to the Republican lawmaker―whether swinging a lightsaber or clacking the keyboard, Hamill is not so easily defeated.