
Steeplechase runner grandstands for the audience and loses at the last moment

Play it closer to the chest next time.

Photo of Dylan Love

Dylan Love

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Michael Jordan stuck his tongue out as he dunked basketballs, and Babe Ruth famously called a home run hit (or did he?). Last Saturday, University of Oregon’s Tanguy Pepiot was in the home stretch of his steeplechase event and gestured to the crowd for them to cheer.

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Pepiot put either too much attention, energy, or both into his showboating gesture, and an opponent passed him at the last moment, snatching first place right out of his hands.

Here’s the finish-line highlight clip:


In case you don’t know what it feels like to come in second place in this manner, Pepiot is happy to show you:


H/T CBC | Photo via alastairduncan/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)