Internet Culture

Master swordsmiths beautifully recreate the sword of Gryffindor

Fifty points to Men at Arms!

Photo of Sarah Weber

Sarah Weber

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The Men at Arms team over at the Awe Me YouTube channel have recreated some of the best-loved weapons in pop-culture history. They forged the incredible scissor blade from the anime Kill la Kill, Arya’s Needle from Game of Thrones, and now they’re taking on the weapon that saved the wizarding world. 

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The sword of Godric Gryffindor was already quite famous by the time Harry Potter and his pals showed up at Hogwarts. The thousand-year-old relic was imbued with its own magic, said to appear to worthy students of the Gryffindor House at their hour of need. 

While Harry used the sword to dispatch a Basilisk that was lurking around Hogwarts in his second year, it was Neville Longbottom, another Gryffindor, who pulled the sword from the Sorting Hat and used it to slay Voldemort’s final horcrux—the snake Nagini—thus saving the wizarding world. 


It’s easy to see why Men at Arms got so many requests from Harry Potter fans asking them to bring the legendary blade to real life. The video above shows all of the steps the swordsmiths went through to recreate the intricate detailing on the sword and its beautiful hilt. Everyone knows Goblins are the best silversmiths—Ragnuk the First was the original creator of the sword—but we think it’s fair to say the Men at Arms team did a pretty amazing job. 

H/T Viral viral videos

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