Spider-Man: Homecoming is the first non-Marvel Studios movie to take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At the moment, Marvel characters are spread across separate franchises owned by different studios, but fans are still hoping for a universe-wide crossover.
The bad news is, that won’t happen anytime soon.
Thanks to the crossover nature of Spider-Man: Homecoming, some fans thought Sony’s upcoming Spider-Man spinoffs would also take place in the MCU. This would allow (for example) Tom Hardy to appear as Venom in an Avengers movie. Last week Sony producer Amy Pascal said all the Spider-Man spinoffs “will be in the same world,” prompting speculation that Sony and Marvel Studios are setting up a permanent partnership. Since then, Pascal and Marvel boss Kevin Feige clarified that this isn’t the case.
According to a new statement by Pascal, the Spider-Man spinoffs are part of the Marvel comics universe (duh), but aren’t part of the MCU.
Here is Amy Pascal’s full quote on the statements she made recently about VENOM, etc, being connected to #SpiderManHomecoming pic.twitter.com/xoRCB6T1ZX
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) June 25, 2017
Possibly worried about other rumors of this nature, Kevin Feige also made it clear there are no plans for a crossover with Fox’s X-Men or Fantastic Four franchises. But since Avengers: Infinity War already includes 67 Marvel characters in total, they don’t exactly need to borrow more from other studios.