Bandai Namco’s latest entry in the long-running gaming series, Soul Calibur VI, has inspired players to get creative with the game’s custom creator.
The fighter, while teeming with favorites old and new from throughout the series, brings its custom character creator back for some truly amazing submissions from the gaming community. From a lizard creature with a giant, ahem, member to Jynx from Pokémon, the game is positively brimming with possibilities. Thanks to some liberties players are taking with the editor, a whole host of different fighters are hitting the game.
As far as how these talented people have made these characters? Lots of brave, exact editing. And lots of time, especially when it comes to the more far-out experiments, like you’ll see below.
People have created tons of familiar characters, like Harley Quinn.
Who knew Family Guy’s Peter Griffin was a fighter?
Pikachu (or a nightmare-laden version of the electric mouse) was ready for battle, too.
Detective Pikachu (2019)
— Suriel (@SurielVazquez) October 19, 2018
The Room’s Tommy Wiseau even came out to play!
I will tear you apart, Lisa.
byu/think_with_portals inSoulCaliburCreations
Seinfeld’s George Costanza was spotted out in the wild, too.
And…this rainbow cube thing! Imagine how difficult fighting that enormous thing must have been.
Here’s a sampling of just a few of the best ones out there, beginning with the best one that’s graced the internet thus far:
Absolutely mesmerizing. But that’s not all, not by a long shot.
Guys, Soul Calibur 6’s character creator is full to the brim with memes already.#SOULCALIBURVI
— Niche Gamer (@nichegamer) October 21, 2018
Why not Zoidberg?
byu/slugwurth inSoulCaliburCreations
I should not be trusted to own soul calibur 6
— 👑 👑 (@PurpleLizardMan) October 27, 2018
Truly a gift
They Said I Could Become Anything
byu/TheMightyBellegar inSoulCalibur
The hits still keep coming. Don’t worry, there’s a veritable cornucopia of different fighters to suit just about anyone out there.
Royale With Cheese
by inSoulCalibur
I Made Jinx ºoº
byu/PatBeefy inSoulCaliburCreations
The Knight! (Hollow Knight)
byu/javsomeclass inSoulCaliburCreations
GDI do I need to play Soul Calibur 6 now
— Chai (@ChaiThai805) October 18, 2018
the king has arrived
— maddie (@coolbeans1898) October 21, 2018
Venoooom(I got that) adrenaline- momentum
byu/kyokonaishi inSoulCaliburCreations
If this doesn’t make you want to give Soul Calibur VI a try and flex those creative muscles, then nothing will.
Soul Calibur VI is currently available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.