
This Amazon product review reenactment is a 5-star performance

Rhett & Link’s ‘Slamazon’ sketch makes light of how seriously people treat online product reviews.

Photo of Kate Knibbs

Kate Knibbs

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Ever ordered something off Amazon? Well, if it was a shirt with kittens all over it or the giant face of an adorable pug, watch out, your words might’ve been acted out by comedians. Comedy duo Rhett & Link just released “Slamazon,” a sketch in which they bring Amazon reviews to life. The reviews for whimsical T-shirts highlight how people take even the most frivolous purchases seriously.  

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“Bought it for myself to impress my landlord. Worked. Bought it for my sister to make her feel better. Worked. Bought another for myself in case production ceases. I’m happy with that decision,” one of the reviewers crows. Others are less pleased with their purchases.

Rhett & Link are to viral videos what Simon & Garfunkel are to soothing folk harmonizing: masters. They make clickable advertising campaigns for McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Gillette, Denny’s, and Alka-Seltzer, among other clients, and they create a daily morning show, as well as a half-hour weekly variety show. This “Slamazon” spot isn’t for a client, but perhaps the team is hoping Jeff Bezos has a good sense of humor.


H/T Viral Viral Videos | Screenshot via Rhett & Link/YouTube