Internet Culture

Singing IHOP syrup bottles are the internet’s hottest new band

These condiments have some sweet harmonies.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

ihop syrup bottles

It wouldn’t be IHOP without a table full of ubiquitous syrup bottles, their brightly colored tops cheerily promising to make your pancakes, waffles—and hey why not—your bacon that much sweeter. But it seems these delightful condiment containers have a talent that has heretofore remained hidden. Move over, California Raisins (or actually, don’t bother, your whole thing pretty much jumped the shark after you won that Emmy in 1987). Singing syrup bottles are here.

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The first video was posted by Twitter user Jake Guthrie, who recorded the bottles “singing” to Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” at an IHOP on West Virginia University’s Evansdale campus in Morgantown, West Virginia.


The video has now been viewed 1.2 million times on Twitter. People seem to love it.



Obviously, this isn’t the first comedic take on “Bohemian Rhapsody.” The song had a huge resurgence when the movie Wayne’s World came out in 1992, and last year someone created a version of flowers singing the song.


As far as we know this, is the first syrup bottle cover. It’s even inspired other people to post their own singing syrup videos on Twitter. Here’s one with the Blue Swede’s “Hooked on a Feeling” and Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.”

“Ya know it’s funny, me and my friends were just having a conversation, and I looked over at the syrup and said, ‘this should be a chorus singing a song,’” Guthrie told the Daily Dot via email. “And my friends looked at me like I was crazy, but when I had the song pulled up, and I was making them sing, they were all on board.”


Guthrie said the video wasn’t too hard to make, but it did take a few trial runs. “It wasn’t difficult to pull off. I had all the choreography in mind,” he said. “My friend, Gonzalo, insisted on doing the puppetry. The video took several takes to get it right, due to wrong syrups singing the wrong line or even our waitress coming back.”

Not surprisingly, the server didn’t so much as bat an eye at the shenanigans. If you think you’re going to do something a late night IHOP waitress hasn’t seen, especially on a college campus, you are sorely mistaken.

“She saw us having a good time and she couldn’t care less,” Guthrie said. “She came over straight faced and asked what we wanted to eat.”

Guthrie said he was surprised by the video’s popularity, but he’s glad people seem to be enjoying it. “I was so surprised how this all blew up, people commenting that I made their day gave me such a warm feeling,” he said. “It’s so cool that people [think it’s so] funny that they make their own. Who knew it’s what America needed?”



The Daily Dot