
The hilarious alternate ending ‘Rogue One’ deserves

Everybody lives!

Photo of Michelle Jaworski

Michelle Jaworski

How Star Wars Rogue One Should Have Ended

Rogue One was admired for ending on a bolder note than many Star Wars fans were used to, but now we’re also getting the ending we kinda wanted anyway along with answers to some of the film’s clunkier plot points.

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In How It Should Have Ended’s latest video, Vader learns about the art of dad jokes and steals the Death Star plans from the rebels, Chirrut Îmwe embraces the Jedi roots we want him to have, Jyn grabs her father’s message (and saves us from the film’s second act), and there’s even something off about Tarkin’s face this time around. The ending is far less realistic—and ventures far into deus ex machina territory—but we’ll allow it.

OK, so maybe everyone did have to die, but for a split second it’s nice to see the pilot made it out alive.
