
Robin Roberts dropped a brutal ‘Bye Felicia’ on Omarosa

Thursday’s “Good Morning America” woke us up with a touch of shade being thrown.

Photo of Brianna Stone

Brianna Stone

Omarosa Manigault Trump Racial Slur Tapes

Good Morning America host Robin Roberts threw some serious shade at White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman this morning.

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On the show, Roberts hit Manigault-Newman with, “Bye Felicia” after reporting on a segment about her departing the White House.


On Wednesday, Manigault Newman did an interview with “Good Morning America” host Michael Strahan and said that she resigned from the White House, denying rumors of being fired.

She also said she witnessed disturbing behavior while working under President Donald Trump, but did not give any details.

“As the only African American woman in this White House, as a senior staff and assistant to the president, I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable, that have upset me, that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that have affected my community and my people,” Manigault Newman told Strahan. “And when I can tell my story, it is a profound story that I know the world will want to hear.”


“She said she has a story to tell and I’m sure she’ll be selling that story. Bye Felicia,” Roberts coldly concluded the segment saying.


The White House announced Manigualt-Newman would be leaving on Jan. 20, 2018, but there are reports her departure was not amicable. The president wished her the best on Twitter.


Omarosa was previously fired by Trump on season one of the Apprentice.