Performative feminism doesn’t look good on anyone, men especially.
Which is why the internet is roasting Robbie Tripp, the speaker, writer, and Instagram personality who recently bragged about how body-positive he is in a post that ultimately reduced his wife down to her curves and his attraction to her. At the same time, Tripp’s post gave off the vibe of a dude asking for points for being a decent human being.
“A real woman is not a porn star or a bikini mannequin or a movie character. She’s real. She has beautiful stretch marks on her hips and cute little dimples on her booty,” Tripp wrote in his post. “Girls, don’t ever fool yourself by thinking you have to fit a certain mold to be loved and appreciated. There is a guy out there who is going to celebrate you for exactly who you are, someone who will love you like I love my Sarah.”
While Sarah and much of the internet loved her husband’s heartfelt post, another part of the internet, this publication included, didn’t agree with the way Tripp’s post congratulated his work in doing something so basic as loving his wife, while writing off other thin women as not being “real.”
And so, treating Tripp like any other social media bro who went viral for the most undeserving of reasons, the internet has taken to roasting him and his self-serving post with the most gracious of parodies.
This Wife’s Letter to Her Husband’s Misshapen Balls Will Melt Your Heart
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) August 4, 2017
Hello world, I love my wife despite the fact that she’s leaks menstrual blood once a month. #feminist4life
— Dennis DiClaudio (@dennisdiclaudio) August 4, 2017
In this alternate reality in which we all have spouses who we fully acknowledge aren’t completely attractive, the internet fixates on this imperfection and dotes on how strong we are as people to accept such a flawed human being.
Of course, this is a hard departure from Tripp and Sarah’s post, which at least attempted to express body positivity, and did acknowledge that Sarah is attractive. In the hands of the internet, however, we’re all awful partners masquerading as saints.
You guys make fun of that Instagram guy praising his curvy wife, but that post gave me the self-esteem to hahahaha jk fuck that stupid prick
— katie (@katefeetie) August 4, 2017
Woooo being constantly bombarded by media calling me unattractive for 28 yrs was totally reversed by 1 dude saying he might have sex with me
— katie (@katefeetie) August 4, 2017
Imagine loving your wife’s curvy body so much you don’t have to talk about it on social media.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) August 4, 2017
The internet is also in agreement that Sarah too deserves praise—for being married to someone who’s kind of a show-off-y dude bro.
The thick wife guy is literally the worst person who has ever lived
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) August 4, 2017
i am extremely proud of us for coming together as an internet to dump on the guy for wanting a medal for loving his wife
— Sami Main, MDiv (@samimain) August 4, 2017
You can do so much better, 135lb wife
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWilson) August 4, 2017
Hell, if loving curvy women is ambitious and worthy of praise then, please, show us where we can pick up our participation trophies.
— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) August 4, 2017