
Someone put ‘Rick and Morty’ together with ‘Welcome to Night Vale’—and it’s bizarrely perfect

‘Area 51 but for NPR’ meets ‘alternate reality Back to the Future.’

Photo of Monica Riese

Monica Riese

Rick and Morty Welcome to Night Vale mashup

The weirdest show on television just warped directly into the trippiest alternate reality in all of podcasting, and it’s a match made in heaven Area 51: Rick and Morty, meet Welcome to Night Vale.

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It’s hard to imagine Rick Sanchez, the booze-swigging, dimension-hopping, mad scientist protagonist of Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty subscribing to any form of entertainment voluntarily. But somehow we feel like he’d approve of the mantras provided by the Night Vale podcast Twitter feed, where the bizarro world radio show hosted by Cecil Palmer sends communiques to its citizens (and innocent bystanders like you and me). Tumblr’s SealTeamRick posted 10 such mashups, perfectly pairing a twisted podcast truth with a fitting screengrab from Rick’s travels and travails.

It’s hard to decide whether to read these in Cecil’s soothing tones or Rick’s slurring grouch voice, but honestly, you can’t go wrong with either. Good luck trying to extricate one storyline from the other once you’ve connected the two, though: Is the glow cloud merely a reflection of Rick’s portal gun? Does Bird Person know anything about the Night Vale Veterans of a Blood Space War Association? Is the Council of Ricks on the same side as the Sheriff’s Secret Police?


And, perhaps the most compelling realization of them all: Maybe in Night Vale, McDonald’s hasn’t discontinued Szechuan sauce.

H/T ThatLowVice/Tumblr