
Twitter is creeped out by this sex doll rental company that recreates your dead lover

Some of the dolls are pretty racist too.

Photo of Ana Valens

Ana Valens

Let’s say you’ve lost your spouse and miss her dearly, but you’re also horny. Don’t worry, one woman in the U.K. knows just how to fix that problem: Replica sex dolls rentals. That’s right, you can recreate your wife and have sex with her in doll form, but you have to give her back once you’re done with her.

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Sex Doll Official offers premium sex dolls to purchase, rent, or customize to your heart’s desire. While ordering a pre-made sex doll can cost as much as £1,895 pounds (or approximately $2,483 USD), the site’s stock dolls can be rented out for £345 per week (or around $452 USD), and users can even customize their own dolls and provide specific details like hair color, eye color, and scars. This includes orders for replicas of customers’ dead partners, among other things.

The business is run by 35-year-old Jade Stanley, who came up with the idea after reading an article about the sex doll industry. She realized most sex doll manufacturers were “offering the dolls in a more sexualized way” that was “quite seedy,” so she decided to open a sex doll business for people who are “seeking comfort” after a partner’s death.

“We have a lot of people approach us who have dolls made that resemble a partner they have lost,” Stanley told the Sun. “It can be very beneficial for them and helps them keep a piece of their loved one, it provides them with comfort, and people don’t always buy the dolls for a sordid reason.” Stanley also says her dolls can help couples who want to experiment with a third person, socially anxious people learning how to navigate sex, and individuals who suffer from mental health concerns that make socializing difficult.


Of course, Twitter is having a field day with the idea.




There’s a need for tender sex dolls in the world, for sure. But Sex Doll Official has some problems with its business model.


For one, there’s the racist stereotypes running rampant across the site with its dolls of color. A Black doll named “Brandy” promises to take buyers to “the depths of sexual darkness,” and a Latina doll named “Flame” is described as “red hot and full of sinful lust.” Another one, a Black woman in leopard lingerie named “Destiny,” is described as the “queen of the night.” Then there’s “Keiko”, which Sex Doll Official describes as a “seductive Asian nymphet” that is a “hard working frisky individual.” Yikes. The dolls’ descriptions clearly fall into a much larger problem with racism in sexual preferences, which cannot be separated from the site’s customization options.

Not just that, but grieving partners need time to mourn, and giving widows and widowers the opportunity to recreate their late partner in plastic can leave them stuck in the five stages of grief without any way out. Twitter has since ruled the entire concept “seriously fucked up.”


The whole premise is eerily similar to the Black Mirror episode Be Right Back, which tackles losing a loved one and recreating them with artificial intelligence.




In the meantime, there’s also a feminine-faced boy named Jessie who is a “horny maintenance man, servicing all your needs,” so at least there’s an option out there for the straight girls and gay guys who need their realistic sex doll fix.


H/T the Sun

The Daily Dot