
PC gaming giant Razer is seriously making a toaster

An old April Fool’s prank is becoming a reality.

Photo of Ignacio Martinez

Ignacio Martinez


After years of fan demand, gaming hardware developer Razer is finally releasing its own branded toaster. The idea for a branded appliance wasn’t always so serious, though. It started on April 1, 2016, when Razer teased a toaster as part of its illustrious track record of April Fool’s Day pranks.

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The “Razer Toaster” had been an inside joke within supporters of Razer even before the 2016 joke. But fans really took hold of the idea after the elaborate “Project BreadWinner” toaster promotion video fueled the prank.

In September 2013, Facebook user Mark Withers started the “Give us the Razer Toaster” page, dedicated to reaching 1,000,000 likes under the agreement that if he reached that milestone, Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan would actually make the toaster.

While the page currently only has about 45,000 likes by Facebook’s metrics, an amendment to Wither’s and Tan’s agreement stated that any member of that Facebook page getting a tattoo of the Razer Toaster would be equivalent to 100,000 likes. After 12 supporters posted pictures of their Razer Toaster tattoos, Tan had no option but to uphold his part of the deal.


“I didn’t think these guys were going to make it—but they did,” Tan said via his official Facebook page. “I’m going to put together my team of designers and engineers. It will take a few years—but I’ll be sure to share the progress—and make it a community affair.”

It might not be happening very soon, but after five years of lobbying, it looks like the Razer Toaster is finally becoming a reality.



H/T PCGamer