
Pregnant couple’s matching ‘turkey and stuffing’ T-shirts prompt the internet to cancel straight people

Are the straights OK?

Photo of Siobhan Ball

Siobhan Ball

a white pregnant woman with wavy blonde hair wearing a grey t-shirt saying 'I'm so stuffed with a little turkey' and a pair of baby footprints, she's smiling at a man in a matching shirt that says 'I made the stuffing'

Couples’ pregnancy shirts are a divisive topic online as some find them cute and others find them unbearably cringy. This week a Thanksgiving-themed set produced by It’s Your Day Clothing—featuring the paired phrases “I’m so stuffed with a little Turkey” and “I made the stuffing”—proved too much for one Twitter user, and it has spawned a whole series of memes to brighten up your Thanksgiving.

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'I hate these can u imagine if gay people invited their family over for a party so they could wear shirts that said “the cum came from HERE and went THERE!” my family would never speak to me again' a white pregnant woman with wavy blonde hair wearing a grey t-shirt saying 'I'm so stuffed with a little turkey' and a pair of baby footprints, she's smiling at a man in a matching shirt that says 'I made the stuffing'

It all started when Twitter user @dylaneatswings pointed out the weird hypocrisy of wearing T-shirts like this. The phrase “I made the stuffing” is pretty much a statement about ejaculating in the pregnant party—something that would be completely unacceptable in any other context.

Imagining three people in shirts like these where they say 'I made a creampie' 'I ate the cream' 'I'm the pie pan'
The original image with 'Thanksgiving couples pregnancy shirts to tell your loved ones where cum goes'
'I'm putting this on Redbubble and I hope to make as many family gatherings as awkward as humanly possible. I hope I have your blessing.' curly white writing that says 'The come came from here' and 'and went there' with heart shaped arrows

Dylan’s point clearly resonated with people because the tweet quickly went viral, jumping platforms to other social media sites as well, as people took his point and well, made it much more gross and explicit, tweeting photoshopped phrases like “I’m the cum man.”

original image with the text on the shirts replaced by 'my husband shot his cum into my pussy' and 'I'm the cum man'
'I'm so so sorry everyone.' the original image with the text replaced to say 'I'm so stuffed with a foetus' and 'I made the cum'
the original t shirt side by side with a white man in a white shit with the words 'I came in her' and the water drop emoji on it

Some didn’t get the problem, or the joke, pointing out that making a baby is “more beautiful and amazing than just knowing which one of you pitches and which one catches.” Everyone else was there to explain that yes, that’s the entire point of the tweet. Pregnancy announcements really don’t need to involve jokes about semen y’all, even if it’s also a Thanksgiving pun. Especially if it’s also a Thanksgiving pun.

@KBoXR: Yeah, no, making a baby is more beautiful and amazing than just knowing which one of You pitches and which one catches. Nothing about this is equivalent. Bathyspherehat: Yeah, no, making a baby is more beautiful and amazing than just knowing which one of You pitches and which one catches. Nothing about this is equivalent
@robbie0341: 'What’s wrong with being proud to be pregnant and telling it with a wink? Honestly, I love talking-T‘s, because it‘s an easy way to tell a tale. It‘s a Statement!' picture of men in sports player style shirts that say 'together 20' and 'since 19' @LGBTQparent: 'The fact y’all consider a gay “together since *blank*” statement, and a straight “this is where he put his cum” statement to be at equal levels of explicitness, is part of the problem. That is why straights can wear tshirts like the above and gay people can’t hold hands in public'
@robbie0341 @LGBTQparent
When straight people want to talk about how gays & queers should respect that ~sex is private~, I always think of this sort of thing. Sex isn't private, Approved Sex (hetero, reproductive) is *very public*. Deviance, however...

It wasn’t just the blatant ick factor of the shirt that bothered people either. The poor construction of the metaphor led Twitter users to all sorts of upsetting connotations that they then decided to share with us all. Is being cucked by a turkey really the message you want to send at Thanksgiving dinner?

If she is being stuffed then she is meant to be the turkey, but she’s stuffed with another turkey??? That’s turkeyception!
i feel like the implication of the use of turkey in this tortured, torturous metaphor that the husband-man got cucked by a turkey
Please don't shove my turkey into a woman's vagina. Or fuck the turkey. Either would be bad.

Some people made queer, non-reproductive versions of the shirt, just to really drive home how utterly weird it is to wear something like that.

A stock photo of two white men with their arms around each other taken from behind. One shirt says 'I sucked his dick' and the other says 'While I sucked his dick'
'Just ordered these...' a photograph of the hip areas of a white man facing forward and a Black man facing the other way, both wearing boxers. The ones on the left say 'turkey baster' and the one on the right has the butterball logo on it
Cartoon drawing of a furry couple, one says 'Mon, Dad, this is my new room mate' and the other is wearing a t shirt saying 'I fucked your son in the ass and he loved it'

As is by now traditional, the queer community decided to check-in and ask if the straights were OK.

Are the heteros okay?! :o
Are straight people OK?
are the straights ok? the perpetual answer is: no

And apparently the answer is no. Fair enough, it’s been a hard year.

No. Sorry.
As a straight person, straight couples are generally pretty gross.
I often wonder