Pokémon Go has been dominating the world this year. Now the Pokémon Company wants to dominate our sleep cycle because it’s rolling out a new app called Pokémon Sleep.
At a press conference in Tokyo on Tuesday, the Pokémon Company announced some new Pokémon-themed mobile apps.
Perhaps the strangest of the announcements was Pokémon Sleep: an app that “aims to turn sleeping into entertainment by having a player’s time spent sleeping, and the time they wake up, affect the gameplay.”
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) May 29, 2019
Pokémon GO Plus + Details
Use it as a Pokémon GO Plus during the day.
Put it next to your pillow at night to track your time sleeping.
It sends this sleep information to your smartphone via Bluetooth. #PokemonGOPlusPlus
Concerns about dystopian surveillance states aside, it’s a peculiar take on a brand that has made its most recent waves by encouraging people to get out of the house rather than curl up in bed.
The game works as a sleep tracker, monitoring your sleep cycle and encouraging you to get some dang rest. It works in tandem with Pokémon Go and the Pokémon Go Plus + tracker.
As you can imagine, the internet has wasted no time in riffing on the whole idea.
There’s a Pokémon Sleep meme for those who enjoy putting off addressing their depression with some good old fashioned shut-eye.
*Pokemon sleep is announced*
— Benji
People with depression: pic.twitter.com/PVTR3sbmtM(@CafeCabooseVT) May 29, 2019
These folks raise a valid question: Which Pokémon would you sleep in bed with?
Can’t wait to start doing this with Pokemon Sleep.#PokemonPressConference #PokemonSleep pic.twitter.com/uvHG9ArIUX
— Ian Blytmann (@GamingNerd93) May 29, 2019
@ all Poketubers I got an idea for you.
— Mamodxx
Top 5 Pokemon I Can’t Wait To Sleep With pic.twitter.com/Dq8vIk5sjj(@Mamodxx) May 29, 2019
Of course, it’s not Pokémon if it’s not at least a little cute.
The Pokemon Sleep I want pic.twitter.com/X7wplv3sSq
— Bulbasaur Propaganda (@BulbaGanda) May 29, 2019
Some people are just never satisfied with only one game.
You’ve seen #PokemonHome and #PokemonSleep
— Mikk
Now get ready for: pic.twitter.com/9aR6fMbWFw(@MikkuSushi) May 29, 2019
alright, it ate at me all day how low-effort that original Pokemon Nap image was because i was trying to be the first one to get the joke out, so i did it more properly this time. this is just for my own satisfaction really lmao pic.twitter.com/f0v4dFql4N
— jill @ PETAL CRASH 2 now in development! (@JillKatze) May 29, 2019
Pokemon Sleep Paralysis Demon#pokemonsleep pic.twitter.com/gltgn3kDjY
— B00Rad (@B00_Rad) May 29, 2019
Then there’s all the rest.
Pokemon Go
— MacIntyre Rath (@MacIntyreRath) May 29, 2019
Pokemon Sleep
Pokemon Quit Smoking
Pokemon Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Pokemon Free and Accessible Birth Control
Pokemon Socialized Healthcare
Pokemon CO2 Emission Cap
this is the Pokemon Sleep experience pic.twitter.com/mFTyhQGdyd
— Lenox (@Lenoxmst) May 29, 2019
Me before: “Sleep is for the weak!”
— CarbonicTonic (@CarbonicTonic) May 29, 2019
Me now: “Welp, time to hit the hay!”#PokemonSleep pic.twitter.com/TFhmIH5Dtu
Mom I’m going to sleep early to play some pokemon sleep pic.twitter.com/eYHqTl6mpd
— the real Wii shop channel!!! (@Wiishopchannel1) May 29, 2019
Boring the audience to sleep while announcing a new sleep product is some galaxy brain marketing pic.twitter.com/FDPGLp1ZR1
— André (@AndreSegers) May 29, 2019
Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time for my scheduled mid-workday nap. Pokémon Sleep is coming in 2020, so wake me up then.
- Obama’s bold stance on Pokémon is breaking people’s hearts
- ‘Detective Pikachu’ is the first honestly good video game movie
- Detective Pikachu’s dancing goes with everything
H/T Heavy