
Woman turns Confederate monument into giant participation trophy

The Confederacy came in second place in the Civil War and this women would like to remind everyone.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

Arizona Confederate memorial statue turned into participation trophy

It’s not hard to find hypocrisy in the doctrine of the”alt-right,” a loosely held group of conservatives, some of whom espouse racist ideology, but on Monday, comedian Bryan Miller pointed out something that most people might have missed.

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It’s a point that’s been made before online, but regardless of your political affiliation, you have to admit is a pretty sick burn.

Now, a woman in Phoenix, Arizona, has decided to take the next logical step and turn the Confederate monument in her hometown into a giant participation trophy.

Rebecca Olsen McHood, who clearly has some arts and crafts skills, told The Phoenix New Times that it was President Donald Trump’s latest remarks that prompted her to create the banner.


“I was just so outraged by Trump’s press conference. I thought, I have to do something.”

In addition to the “2nd place” and “Participant” banner, McHood added a ribbon at the top which states “You lost, get over it.”

Despite the recent violence in Charlottesville, McHood said she isn’t really worried about her safety when placing the banners.


“I wasn’t sure what was going to happen—I wasn’t sure if people were convening at Confederate monuments around the state or not,” she said. “I know we have some white power people who like to have little rallies, but they get, like 20 people, so I wasn’t too concerned for my safety.”

McHood said a nearby police officer didn’t try to stop her from hanging the banners, but only said she couldn’t actually attach anything to the monument.

Surprisingly McHood is not a liberal, or even a Democrat. She’s a Republican who voted for both John McCain and Mitt Romney. She was even a volunteer on George W. Bush‘s campaign.

“I’m for fiscal responsibility, and integrity in politics,” she said. “There was a time when I believed Republicans had the upper hand in that.”


H/T Phoenix New Times