Internet Culture

Occupy Wall Street’s six-month anniversary, via Twitter and YouTube

The ongoing cycle of protests and police crackdowns unfolded in real time online.

Photo of David Holmes

David Holmes

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Saturday marked the six-month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. March 17—or #M17, as it was called on Twitter—was also an occasion for fresh clashes between protesters and police as the NYPD evicted hundreds of demonstrators from downtown New York’s Zuccotti Park, arresting dozens.

Police were accused of brutality against both protesters and members of the media, with the Guardian’s Ryan Devereaux reporting that one office slammed a protester into a glass door, resulting in the crack seen in the picture above.

As usual, the story was told in real time on Twitter and YouTube, and MSNBC’s Meg Robertson has collected some of the most essential videos, pictures, and tweets from that night.


Photo by Ryan Devereaux

The Daily Dot